Privacy Policy

About our services:
The information provided on the DNTW Toronto LLP ‘s website is intended for a general audience. You should not rely on this information without seeking advice from professionals.
We do our best to provide useful information on our website. However, we cannot guarantee the information you have access to is complete, accurate, up-to-date or otherwise reliable for any particular purpose.
We regularly monitor our website. We do our best to ensure that all content is updated and not out-of-date, however, we cannot guarantee that the advice or information provided is correct at all times.
We do not guarantee that information on our website or that our online services will always remain available. You may possibly experience occasional interruptions or delays.
Your Obligation:
If you wish to contact us, please do not send us any confidential information electronically. If you are already a client, please use our client portal to send us confidential information or contact us directly to make arrangements. We will make arrangements with clients directly if required for the sharing of necessary confidential information.
If you fill out the contact form on this website, you will be asked to provide personal information (such as e-mail address, name, and phone number). Please do not submit any confidential, proprietary, or sensitive personal information (e.g. Social Insurance Number; date of birth; driver’s license number; or other financial information) via this form. Any information provided is done at your own risk and we will not be liable to you or responsible for the consequences of your submission.
Information you provide to us through the contact form will be used so that we may respond to your inquiry. We may also use the information you provide to us to communicate with you in the future.
Our Obligation:
We use Google Analytics to track visitors to our site and to track visitor behaviour. Google Analytics sets cookies on the domain and uses cookies to track visitors and collect personal information. This information is completely anonymized and cannot be associated with a specific individual.
The cookies themselves are stored on the visitor’s device by the web browser. They are included in any web requests made by the browser to the domain for which they are set. Google Analytics picks up those cookies and dispatches tracking events to Google, which then cross-references them against other means used for tracking a particular visitor. (For more information about Google Analytics’ use of cookies, please visit their site here.)
We put security measures in place to help protect your personal information from accidental loss and/or unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will always be unable to defeat our security measures.
About these Terms of use:
The Terms of Use contained within this policy apply to you upon your first visit. We may update them at any time without notifying you. If you come back later and we have updated these terms since your last visit, you agree to follow the updated version.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us via the phone number, contact form, or mailing address listed on this website.