Irving Feldman



Irving specializes in providing professional services for a variety of business sectors including real estate and construction, farming, distribution, manufacturing, human resources, entertainment and professional services. He is also actively involved in Corporate Finance, Career Transition Financial Counseling and Estate and Retirement Planning and has been called upon on numerous occasions to provide expert opinions as they relate to litigation cases.

Irving is a member of both The Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and Canada, both the ADR Institute of Ontario and Canada, is a Qualified Mediator (Q.MED) and is involved in the Firm’s Dispute Resolution and Mediation Practice.

In addition, he is past Chair of The Reena Foundation, has served on the Board of the Canadian Centre For Diversity, is a founding member of The Professional Advisory Group of the Baycrest Foundation, serves on the Board of Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University and is a member of The Board of Governors of both Tel Aviv University and the Abraham Global Peace Initiative.